2 2.4.3 2.8 2.82 2.83 2D animation 3d 3d compositing 3dl 3dlut 3ds 3ds max 3ds max File Management 3d tracking 8k 12 32Bit 101 360 absorption actor actors addon adobe Adobe Bridge adobe premiere aequence after After Effects aifacingratio align alluminum alpha ambient occlusion anatomy angle Animate animate cc animated texture Animation animation mixer anisotropic anisotropy anodized aov aovs append aquatic arch architechtural architectural Architectural Visualization architecture archviz Arch Viz area light armature arnold array artifacts asset assets atlas atmosphere attribute attributes audio autocad autodesk automation automotive axis b3d backdrop backfacing background backup bake baking basic basics batch beginner bevel bezier billboard bitmap blackmagic blend blendcolors Blender blender 3d blending blueprint blueprints blur blurry bodies body bokeh bones boolean bounding bounds box Bridge broken brush brushed brushed metal brute force bug build bump buttons by c c++ Cache call camera cameras camera tracking can't open candela capture car carpaint carpet caustics cc cd character checker child chromakey cinematics clamp colors class classes cloth clothes clothing cloud clut coat code collision color colored colored metal color lookup table color space compile complex composite Compositing concave configure constraint constraints contrast control conversion convex coordinates correct correction course cover cpp crash create create exe cross dissolve cube currency curve custom cycles cycles render data datasmith date daylight ddx ddy Deadline debris debugging declaration deform deformation delay demolition denoise denoiser depth deselect desktop development different directional directory directx dirt disappear discovery displacement display dissolve distance distributed distribution dive diving dof door double driver drivers dust dwg dxr dynamics edge edges edit editable poly editor effect effects elements encoder encoding engine environment erosion error ethernet event executable expand explorer export expression exr external extrude fabric facing facingratio facing ratio fake user fallof falloff farm fbx field file files fine tune finishing fire first fix flash flip flip book flipped float floor flow flow graph fluffy focus fog folder folders font for forward fps frame frames free fresnel frosted full function fur furry Fusion fx game game design gamedev Game Development game engine gaming gamma correction garbage mask generate generator get gi gif git github GitHub Desktop gizmo glass glazing gloss glossiness glsl god god rays google googlefinance google sheets gpu gradient gradientramp grading green greenscreen group groups gui h.264 h. My settings for import at the moment are Power of 2 none.