Go to my voicemail
Go to my voicemail


Your voicemail Access Number appears in the Call Forwarding section.Select Home Phone from the top navigation bar, then select Manage Features.Dial the Access Number instead, enter your home phone number, and when prompted, enter your mailbox PIN. If you're away from home, but there's a chance someone may answer your home phone, you may want to check for messages by using your Access Number. To check voicemail when you're away from home, dial your home phone number from any phone, press * (to skip the voicemail greeting), and then follow the same steps above for listening to voice messages from home. If you're turning off VBC and use the Scam Shield app, make sure to turn it off. If prompted, allow the app to access the phone call logs and either Draw over other apps or Appear on top. Choose Settings > Enhanced Caller Information. Press 6 to forward a copy of the message to a phone number or distribution list. In the Visual Voicemail app, select the Menu button with three dots. It will remain in your trash for 48 hours. When the message is finished playing, select from the following options: Press 9 to save the message. Press 7 to delete the message.As the message plays, use any one of the following options to navigate that message: Press 1 to rewind. Press 2 to pause. Press 3 to fast-forward. Press # to skip a message.


For more information, you can watch the video, download the quick reference wallet card (PDF, 600KB) for voicemail, or refer to the topics below.ĭialing from your home phone is the fastest way to access your voicemail. You can check your voicemail messages from anywhere.

  • You will hear the name assigned to the mailbox and then "Please leave a message following the Tone".A stutter dial tone indicates that you have voicemail messages.
  • Dial the extension number of the person to receive the message and the # sign.
  • You will hear "Express Messaging to Mailbox?".
  • To leave a message using Express Messaging:
  • Enter the four digit number you would like to designate as your operator, followed by the # sign.
  • go to my voicemail

  • Listen to the greeting, press 8* for Mailbox Commands.
  • This is usually the front desk number or the number where there is going to be a person there at all times. This way it won't ring at your desk, it will go directly to voicemail.Ī custom operator is set as the option to hit "0" for immediate assistance. This is for when you are away from your desk or on vacation.
  • Press *72 + 7000, to forward your calls directly to voicemail.
  • Press # to complete a step and/or to end a recording or skip a greeting.
  • While reviewing a message, press 9 to exit voice mail and call the sender.
  • Press 72 to listen to the date/time stamp.
  • To exit Meridian Mail, press 83 at anytime.
  • All old messages will be automatically deleted in 14 days. A badge on the Voicemail icon indicates the number of unheard messages. You can choose which ones to play and delete without listening to all of them. Address the message, then press 79 to send it. Table of Contents Set up your voicemail on iPhone In the Phone app, Visual Voicemail (available from select carriers) shows a list of your messages.
  • To send a copy of the message to someone else, press 73.
  • **These recordings should be done the first time you enter your mailbox. A call going straight to voicemail could mean that your phone has no service at that point in time or the number is blocked.

    go to my voicemail


    To learn how to check your voicemail from the Google Voice app, visit Check your voicemail in Google Voice. When the system prompts you to enter your OLD PASSWORD, enter 12 + your extension number, #. To access your voicemail, you must first set up a voicemail PIN.


    Your new password must be a minimum of 4 digits. This insures only you can access your mailbox. Do not use your phone number or simple combinations like 1234. You should change your password from your 6-digit password to a number you will easily remember, but that others will not guess. The first time only, enter 12 + your extension number #.

    go to my voicemail

    This will always be your extension number. Enter your Mailbox number (only the last four numbers), then #.PBX Call Pilot - Simple StepsĪ system that assigns each user a voice mailbox that can be used to store and retrieve phone messages.Ī caller either reaches your mailbox because you have forwarded your calls to voice mail or dials into or is transferred to your mailbox via Express Messaging.Įxternally (Off-campus): dial your own seven-digit phone number, once answered, enter 81, then follow the prompts. You can increase it to ten minutes upon request.

    go to my voicemail

    The default voice mail time is three minutes. Forgot your voice mail password? Contact remove the existing password so you can create a new one.

    Go to my voicemail