Bible study fellowship nashville tn
Bible study fellowship nashville tn

bible study fellowship nashville tn

2) I love being in the mountains and hiking or just sitting by a stream and thinking about the majesty of God. Her three simple joys: 1) Spending time with our 27 year old daughter and her husband and their 3 dogs and with my 25 year old son who is in college in California.“It has been awesome to be able to get connected to new BSF classes as we move.” She has done BSF for 16 years in 3 different states!!. Who she is: Sharon Romine, Class Administrator (or CA).She does provide us all with a warm welcome and all the information you may need!.Come fill up on God’s Word before you fill up on turkey! User ( 00:33) Here’s our long-awaited Who’s Who of Memphis East Day class! Your time studying God’s Word will bless you as you prepare for the busyness of this weekend. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We know the holidays can be busy with to-do lists, family arriving, traveling, and *fill in the blank*. User ( 02:08) Don’t forget - we’re meeting TOMORROW instead of Wednesday this week! Same place, same time. We hope you’ve had a restful break and can’t wait to see you next week - Wednesday, January 9th! This new year is a great opportunity to invite a new friend to join us as we continue our #PeopleOfThePromisedLand study. We are so grateful for Melanie and the way she serves BSF! Love on her a little extra this week 💜💜💜#wearebsf See More User ( 05:18) How comforting to know that even when the days, and seasons, and years change our mighty God doesn’t! He is constant and everlasting!.She also loves BSF’s home training lessons! (Shameless plug for you all to look at for those wonderful home training lessons!) Her favorite spiritual resources: Love Stormie OMartian’s various books of prayers namely the Praying Wife Book of Prayers and the Praying Parent Book of Prayers. Melanie’s 3 simple joys: sunshine, coffee, playing outside with her 3 sweet boys.Who she is and her role at BSF: Melanie Alexander, Assistant Children’s Supervisor (ACS) she is currently in her 7th year of BSF!.Invite your friends and their children to register, also! What a blessing this program has been to many people! 💜#wearebsf See More User ( 22:37) It’s been too long but here’s our Who’s Who for BSF Memphis east! She’s a wonderful one to start this back 💜.It is the sweetest program for your children to be a part of, and they may even develop lifelong friendships through BSF!

bible study fellowship nashville tn

BSF offers a comprehensive and Biblical Children’s Program for kids 0-5 years old! These wonderful children’s leaders are thoroughly trained to TEACH the Bible to your children from the earliest age!.Don’t forget to register your little ones for BSF next year, as well!.

Bible study fellowship nashville tn free#

If you have questions, feel free to message us! User ( 22:18) Are you registering your children for daycare, preschool, or kindergarten?! DM us with any questions + for more info! User ( 02:30) It seems like Spring is the season of registrations - so while you’re at it, go ahead and register for our Acts of the Apostles study next year! Have a friend that you want to bring to BSF? April 10th and 24th are special “Bring a Friend” days for more information and registration! User ( 03:51) We are so thankful for our Children’s Leaders and what they do! User ( 00:05) Just a reminder! No BSF next week, March 13th! Remember that you are able to listen to the lecture from last week, March 6th, on ! Erin did a wonderful job teaching us that in God’s mercy, He restores and rescues us! We hope your spring break is restful! We will see you back on March 20th! User ( 09:05) Have you taken advantage of all that has to offer? You can find printable notes, audio notes, children’s lessons, and more! Head over to today to see all the resources. Register Wednesday’s in April from 9-11am at First Evangelical Church. See More User ( 03:09) We are so excited about this new location in Northern MS! Please tell everyone you know! User ( 21:33) Video for our study of Acts of the Apostles beginning 9/11/19. Any questions? Leave them in the comments below or shoot us a direct message. Just open your Spotify app and search “BAF ACTS” to enjoy!. If you still need to register, head over to today! Have a friend who needs to register? Tag her below! You can also begin preparing for this study with the BSF Acts Spotify playlist. What Others Say about this business: User ( 20:26) We cannot wait to be back studying God’s Word with you all this Fall! Our first class day will be Wednesday, September 11th.

Bible study fellowship nashville tn